March 2, 2010

Portion Control Options for your Mind

Posted in Control Panel Manufacturers at 5:25 am by panelmanufactu

Whenever we hear the word diet, it automatically brings out resistance. We want to eat like everyone else and we don’t see why we should have to change. Although it can be important because of the risk factors we have for heart disease, diabetes and more, we still have a difficult time staying with any diet.

Don’t despair if this sounds like you because it is natural human instinct to feel this way. We don’t like being told what to do and we hate feeling like we are depriving ourselves of something we want.

The good news is that this is all in our head. Many of the Anonymous recovery groups call this “stinkin’ thinkin’ ” and it happens any time we have to stay away from something that is harmful to us.

What is more important is to look at the situation and see what it is we hate about it and try to fix it in our heads. For some people having to control the portions they eat makes them crazy. It takes up time and it can be embarrassing out in public. This is one way to look at it.

Another way to look at it is to tell yourself that you are taking action to better your health. Instead of seeing it as a chore, you can look at it as an opportunity to develop yourself in the way you want. As an example, you might have a goal weight that you want to get to so you can wear a certain type of clothing. Make that your primary thought instead of the problems you have with it.

Think about the fact that portion control and eating are a fact of life for everyone who wants to be healthy. As an example, athletes, people involved in fitness and even actors and actresses care about fitness. They do portion control because it helps them stay healthy. Singers like Cher, Tina Turner and others take their time when they eat and make sure they eat the right foods.

If this is good enough for them, then who are we to say that it is something that is not good for us? Thinking about your needs for yourself is another way to make sure, that portion control is a positive situation instead of a negative one.

Portion control is an important aspect of most people’s diets if they want to be healthy.

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Patty is a wife, mother of 3 children, an inventor, and entrepreneur. She invented a tool to help people who need to control their portions whether for Diabetes or weight loss. There are 16 hospitals and numerous stores around the country selling her new product. It has been featured on the Today Show and is a 3 x Editor’s Pick on Her web site is

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